The Hiland Hall School
A Progressive Primary and Middle School in Bennington, Vermont
(802) 442-3868

The Hiland Hall School arose at the time the Prospect school closed, and seeks to carry forward the philosophy and educational practices of that institution.
The purpose of the Hiland Hall School is to join with families in the liberation and development of the full capacities of the students entrusted to it; intellectually, socially, aesthetically, physically, and morally. We consider the involvement of parents to be critical because the family - its hopes, values, and ways - is the major context of a child's life. Without the ongoing participation, understanding, and support of the family, the work of an educational institution is largely ineffective.
It is our purpose to develop the full capacities of our students because we believe that both individual and society are best served when individuals reach full potential. It is a school's task to serve both the individual and the society.