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Our response to COVID-19


In March of 2020 all schools in Vermont were forced to close in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our teaching staff developed a "School at Home" teaching program that included daily communications with families, whole group and small group meetings online, one on one phone conferences and extensive use of online platforms for classes, conferencing, connecting and support. 


Our view is that when remote learning is necessary, it should maintain the quality of progressive education that our students and families have come to expect - one of choice, exploration, reflection, sharing and community. 


We have a state of the art HVAC air filtration system, a new Outdoor Classroom space and the experience of resilience. We will continue to follow recommendations by the Vermont Department of Health to maintain a healthy school community.


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(802) 442-3868


2196 Harwood Hill Rd, Bennington, VT 05201, USA

©2020 by Hiland Hall School all rights reserved

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